The United States of America is not in the Bible. This was the statement of a noted and respected pastor as he was interviewed on a nationwide television talk show. When author Steven Grant heard that his mind started racing. As a seasoned pastoral leader with more than 30 years of education and experience in Scripture, he knew this could not be the case. The name United States of America does not appear, but werent there passages in the Bible that described it? In America in the Bible, Grant shares the results of his investigation into whether the United States is missing from the Bible. Grant takes you on a fun ride through the Good Book and history, that is sure to add to your Bible knowledge. Follow him as he finds answers to questions such as;Is America merely lucky?Does God have His hand in Americas history?What will happen to America?How does America fit into Gods plan?America in the Bible may change how you think of the United States. Discover the truth about Americas role in the Bible.