Contents Introduction Youth and Literature: Issues and Opportunities Challenges to Young Readers' Freedom of Choice Adolescent Attitudes and Response to Literature New Wine for Old Bottles: Picture Books for the Adolescent Reader Uses of Poetry and Adolescent Literature in Therapy for Adolescents Portrayals of Children and Youth in Literature Changing Images in Books for Young People The Portrayal of Disabled Children in Recent British and American Fiction for Young People Concepts of Child Care in the Novels of Charles Dickens Youth and Their Parents in Literature The Stereotyped Parent The Portrayal of the Black Mother in Fiction for Children and Adolescents The Image of Fathers in Popular Adolescent Fiction Death and Bereavement in Young People's Literature Death, Youth and Literature Vivienne: An Essay-Review Madam Mope: The Bereaved Child in Bronte's Jane Eyre Epilogue Literature for Youth Development: Implications for Practice Index