1. Introduction.
What Is a Use Case (More or Less)?
USE CASE 1. Buy Stocks over the Web.
USE CASE 2. Get Paid for Car Accident.
USE CASE 3. Register Arrival of a Box.
Your Use Case Is Not My Use Case.
USE CASE 4. Buy Something (Casual Version).
USE CASE 5. Buy Something (Fully Dressed Version).
Steve Adolph: Discovering Requirements in New Territory.
Requirements and Use Cases.
Use Cases as Project-Linking Structure.
Figure 1: The Hub-and-Spoke Model of Requirements.
When Use Cases Add Value.
Manage Your Energy.
Warm Up with a Usage Narrative.
Usage Narrative: Getting Fast Cash.
2. The Use Case as a Contract for Behavior. Interactions between Actors with Goals.
Actors Have Goals.
Figure 2: An Actor with a Goal Calls on the Responsibilities of Another.
Goals Can Fail.
Interactions Are Compound.
A Use Case Collects Scenarios.
Figure 3: Striped Trousers: Scenarios Succeed or Fail.
Figure 4: The Striped Trousers Showing Subgoals.
Contract between Stakeholders with Interests.
Figure 5: The Sud Serves the Primary Actor, Protecting Offstage Stakeholders.
The Graphical Model.
Figure 6: Actors and Stakeholders.
Figure 7: Behavior.
Figure 8: Use Case as Responsibility Invocation.
Figure 9: Interactions as Composite.
3. Scope. Table a Sample In/Out List.
Functional Scope.
The Actor-Goal List.
Table a Sample Actor-Goal List.
The Use Case Briefs.
Table Sample Use Case Briefs.
Design Scope.
Figure 10: Design Scope Can Be Any Size.
Using Graphical Icons to Highlight the Design Scope.
Design Scope Examples.
Enterprise-to-System Examples.
USE CASE 6 Add New Service (Enterprise).
USE CASE 7 Add New Service (Acura).
Many Computers to One Application.
USE CASE 8 Enter and Update Requests (Joint System).
USE CASE 9 Add New Service (into Acura).
USE CASE 10 Note New Service Request (in BSSO).
USE CASE 11 Update Service Request (in BSSO).
USE CASE 12 Note Updated Request (in Acura).
Figure 11: Use Case Diagrams for Acura-BSSO.
Figure 12: A Combined Use Case Diagram for Acura-BSSO.
Nuts and Bolts Use Cases.
USE CASE 13 Serialize Access to a Resource.
USE CASE 14 Apply a Lock Conversion Policy.