A Guide for Authors and Editors
Nursing Standard, Vol 21, No 52, This excellent manual offers the means to produce essays, articles or research papers that are well organised and authoritative.
<br>JAMA and the Archives Journals, one of the most respected groups of medical publications in the world, have lent members of their expert staff of professional journal editors to the committee that has produced this edition.<br>
SECTION 1. PREPARING AN ARTICLE FOR PUBLICATION; 1. Types of Articles; 2. Manuscript Preparation; 3. References; 4. Visual Presentation of Data; 5. Ethical and Legal Considerations; 5. Editorial Assessment and Processing; SECTION 2. STYLE; 7. Grammar; 8. Punctuation; 9. Plurals; 10. Capitalization; 11. Correct and Preferred Usuage; 12. Non-English Words, Phrases, and Accent Marks; 13. Medical Indexes; SECTION 3. TERMINOLOGY; 14. Abbreviations; 15. Nomenclature; 16. Eponyms; 17. Greek Letters; SECTION 4. MEASUREMENT AND QUANTITATION; 18. Units of Measure; 19. Numbers and Percentages; 20. Study Design and Statistics; 21. Mathematical Composition; SECTION 5. TECHNICAL INFORMATION; 22. Typography; 23. Manuscript Editing and Proofreading; 24. Glossary of Publishing Terms; 25. Resources