AMA Manual of Style (häftad)
Inbunden (Hardback)
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JAMA and Archives Journals
Illustrations, map
260 x 185 x 52 mm
1840 g
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AMA Manual of Style

A Guide for Authors and Editors

(1 röst)  |   Läs 1 recension
Inbunden,  Engelska, 2007-04-01


For decades indispensable, the AMA Manual of Style continues to provide editorial support to the medical and scientific publishing community. Since the 1998 publication of the 9th edition, however, the world of medical publishing has rapidly modernized, and the intersection of research and publishing has become ever more complex. The 10th edition of the AMA Manual of Style brings this definitive manual into the 21st century with a broadened international perspective.
In doing so, the 10th edition has expanded its electronic guidelines, with the understanding that authors now routinely submit articles through online systems and cite Web-only content. Ethical and legal issues receive increased attention, with detailed guidelines on authorship, conflicts of interest, scientific misconduct, intellectual property, and the protection of individuals' rights in scientific publication. The new edition examines research ethics and editorial indepedence and features new material on indexing and searching as well as medical nomenclature.

JAMA and the Archives Journals, one of the most respected groups of medical publications in the world, have lent members of their expert staff of professional journal editors to the committee that has produced this edition. Extensively peer-reviewed, the 10th edition provides a welcome and improved standard for the growing international medical community. More than just a style manual, this 10th edition offers invaluable guidelines on how to navigate the dilemmas that authors and researchers and their institutions, medical editors and publishers, and members of the news media who cover scientific research confront in a society that has thrust these issues centre stage.


Det finns 1 recension av AMA Manual of Style. Har du också läst boken? Om du har köpt den på vill vi gärna höra vad du tyckte om den! Sätt ditt betyg »
  1. För omfattande för att vara användbar som manual
    Nikki, 18 september 2017

    En mycket fullödig och intressant beskrivning av olika aspekter av att publicera sig vetenskapligt i peer-reviewtidskrifter. Dock var jag endast ute efter de konkreta riktlinjerna för hur AMA-manus bör se ut formatmässigt och detta var snårigt att vaska fram ur manualen. Liknande manualer (tex APA) är betydligt kortare och enklare att navigera i för att tex få besked om hur rubriknivåer bör struktureras. Läs en guide online istället om du inte är väldigt intresserad av att fördjupa dig.

Recensioner i media

Nursing Standard, Vol 21, No 52, This excellent manual offers the means to produce essays, articles or research papers that are well organised and authoritative.

Övrig information

<br>JAMA and the Archives Journals, one of the most respected groups of medical publications in the world, have lent members of their expert staff of professional journal editors to the committee that has produced this edition.<br>


SECTION 1. PREPARING AN ARTICLE FOR PUBLICATION; 1. Types of Articles; 2. Manuscript Preparation; 3. References; 4. Visual Presentation of Data; 5. Ethical and Legal Considerations; 5. Editorial Assessment and Processing; SECTION 2. STYLE; 7. Grammar; 8. Punctuation; 9. Plurals; 10. Capitalization; 11. Correct and Preferred Usuage; 12. Non-English Words, Phrases, and Accent Marks; 13. Medical Indexes; SECTION 3. TERMINOLOGY; 14. Abbreviations; 15. Nomenclature; 16. Eponyms; 17. Greek Letters; SECTION 4. MEASUREMENT AND QUANTITATION; 18. Units of Measure; 19. Numbers and Percentages; 20. Study Design and Statistics; 21. Mathematical Composition; SECTION 5. TECHNICAL INFORMATION; 22. Typography; 23. Manuscript Editing and Proofreading; 24. Glossary of Publishing Terms; 25. Resources